Sunday, January 15, 2017

Pensacola Man Accused Of Repeatedly Sexually Assaulting a Pit Bull

Bradley Jean Hubbard, Bradley Jean Hubbard dog rapist

Bradley Jean Hubbard, 23 of Pensacola was arrested after being accused of allegedly raping and sexually assaulting a Pit Bull for over 3½ years. He was arrested on Monday at his Pelham Drive address after a family member reported the ongoing sexual assault of the family pet, a pit bull or bull dog mix named "Baby Girl."

Hubbard lived with his father and his father's girlfriend during the period of the offenses, which allegedly had continued for more than three years.

A family member who lived in the home reported the incident, saying she had physically seen Hubbard take the animal to his bedroom and engage in sexual contact with the dog, estimating it to have happened more than 100 times in the past several years. She had been able to witness the attack as Hubbard's bedroom door has a hole in it, as a result of a violent outburst. She also said that she heard the dog cry out in pain during episodes that she said escalated during 2016. She told police Hubbard brushed off questions by saying the victimized animal was in heat.

Hubbard’s roommate told officers she didn’t report it earlier because she “did not want to get Hubbard in trouble.